Starting with the first regulations in 1990, stormwater management has rapidly evolved. New technologies, approaches, and regulations regularly hitting the market continue to spur the industry’s growth, and new developments are on the horizon. So where are we today AND are we headed tomorrow?
Join Steven Polk as he kicks off our Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series with an introduction to post-construction stormwater management, including: its past and present regulations (e.g., Clean Water Act, NPDES, MS4s, etc.), the developing approaches and technologies (e.g., green infrastructure, LID), where we’re headed in the future, AND what this means for you and your construction projects.
This webinar will be available live on Wednesday, Sept. 16th, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT, and available on-demand after the live event. Register for the event by clicking the button below.
In this webinar, we’ll explore our rapidly evolving stormwater industry –past, present, and what’s in store for the future. Polk will begin our discussion with the evolution of stormwater management from the Clean Water Act (CWA) to the current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 regulations and amendments. We’ll then take a look at the current regulations – when they apply, what agency has jurisdiction, and what you need to do to meet them on your site. Polk will also outline the development of post-construction stormwater BMPS with a focused look at the evolution and integration of Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development (LID), and how you can integrate these at your site. We’ll take a look at when, where, and why stormwater treatment is required through a series of real-world examples, how you can identify these needs, and how to begin selection and implementation. And finally, we’ll wrap up the discussion with a look at where post-construction stormwater BMPs and regulations are headed in the future and how you can prepare your sites.
Learning Objectives
Attendees can expect the discussion and education of the following learning objectives:
- Understand the Clean Water Act (CWA), its evolution, and it’s stormwater industry impacts.
- Learn how to identify when stormwater regulations apply, what they are and which agency has jurisdiction.
- Learn to identify and assess where, when, and why stormwater treatment is required on your site.
- Understand the basics of Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development (LID), and how you can integrate them at your site.
- Learn the current developments and advancements in the stormwater industry, and what the future holds.
Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series
This BMP Fundamentals – Where We Are and Where We’re Going webinar is the first session in our 5-session Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series.Currently, we are offering the full Master Class Series at a discounted rate. If you are interested in purchasing the full Master Class Series, you can find information and the registration link here.
Steven W. Polk, P.E., EMBA
Founding Principal
Stormwater STL LLC
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 16th @ 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT, 1-1.5 hr.*
Credits: 1 PDH / 0.1 CEU
Cost: $79.00