Grading & Excavation Contractor has always chased emerging technologies, doing our best to let you know what kinds of innovations are about to burst onto the dirtmoving scene and which ones are still far off in the distant future—and help you understand the ones that are available now in heavy equipment. Our ideas are not formulated by peering into a crystal ball, or by binge-watching Star Trek on Netflix, or by reading Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot. Personally I like to go to the source, the experts from the various companies that push the technological envelope. I have conversations with them.
Grading & Excavation Contractor has always chased emerging technologies, doing our best to let you know what kinds of innovations are about to burst onto the dirtmoving scene and which ones are still far off in the distant future—and help you understand the ones that are available now in heavy equipment. Our ideas are not formulated by peering into a crystal ball, or by binge-watching Star Trek on Netflix, or by reading Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot. Personally I like to go to the source, the experts from the various companies that push the technological envelope. I have conversations with them. [text_ad] I spoke with three experts from three companies at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Here’s what they had to say to me about the use of current technology and its possible future in grading and excavation, edited down to two and half minutes. And to make your viewing experience a little more pleasant, I threw in a bit of Bach for a music bed.Please enjoy. And then I would love to hear what you have to say about implementing technology into your equipment now and in the future. Have you done it? What has your productivity been? Why are you waiting? Is it the cost? Is it the learning curve?I spoke with three experts from three companies at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Here’s what they had to say to me about the use of current technology and its possible future in grading and excavation, edited down to two and half minutes. And to make your viewing experience a little more pleasant, I threw in a bit of Bach for a music bed.
Please enjoy. And then I would love to hear what you have to say about implementing technology into your equipment now and in the future. Have you done it? What has your productivity been? Why are you waiting? Is it the cost? Is it the learning curve?