US Companies Share Best Practices for Line Maintenance With Chinese Electric Utility
Watertown, S.D. – (August 11, 2016) – Delegates from the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) recently visited the United States to participate in a two-week training program sponsored by the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). Terex Utilities was selected by USTDA as one of the companies to host the Chinese delegation and share U.S. best practices and technologies in live line maintenance. The delegates included 15 representatives of SGCC and one official from the U.S. Embassy in China.
During their visit, participants discussed grid maintenance practices and learned about equipment appropriate for these applications. “We were honored to be part of this visit as they learned about technologies and equipment used for live line maintenance in the United States,” said Michael Tilden, International Sales Manager for Terex Utilities. “Terex has been rooted in the growth and maintenance of this nation’s utility infrastructure since 1945 when we introduced the first digger derrick to the industry. Since then, we continue to deliver innovative, high quality equipment to our customers.”
Learning Best Practices
The delegates took part in training the first week of their visit at the Southeast Lineman Training Center in Trenton, Ga., and operated Terex equipment throughout the week. “The SGCC representatives trained on hot line tools usage, safety processes, and procedures for different live line work applications,” said Tilden. The Terex equipment SGCC representatives used included insulated aerial bucket trucks, like the Terex® Hi-Ranger™ TL17i and Terex Hi-Ranger LT40 models, and digger derricks.
The Terex Hi-Ranger TL17i bucket truck is an articulated telescopic aerial device that allows the operator flexibility to work both sides of the pole from one truck position. This capability also makes it easier to position the truck when setup areas are limited by vehicular or pedestrian traffic or other obstructions. “The Terex Hi-Ranger TL17i model is particularly adept for live line work in highly congested urban centers,” said Tilden. The Terex Hi-Ranger TL17i model features a 58.4 feet working height, with a 42.3 feet side reach.
Equipment Selection
While visiting Terex, SGCC representatives toured the assembly processes and fiberglass boom manufacturing areas and spent time “hands on” understanding the equipment’s application. “The product demonstrations will help SGCC in selecting equipment and features designed to improve efficiencies in electrical system construction and repairs,” said Tilden.
Tilden added, “Terex is proud to support the State Grid of China and to play a key part in their efforts on improving live line work practices.”
SGCC representatives also toured Cummins, manufacturer of power generation products, in Minneapolis, Minn. and Xcel Energy, a Minneapolis-based electric and natural gas utility serving more than 11 million customers in eight States.
“Ensuring the safety of our workers and the public is a responsibility we take very seriously at Xcel Energy,” said Kent Larson, Xcel Energy executive vice president and group president, Operations. “We are always working to advance safety practices within the company and throughout the utility industry and we’re pleased to share our expertise and provide training to the delegation from the State Grid Corporation of China.”
“This was an excellent opportunity to continue U.S.-China collaboration and to introduce SGCC to U.S. live line work methods and equipment that could advance their goals. USTDA was pleased to work with Terex on carrying out this important training.” said Carl Kress, USTDA Regional Director for East Asia.
For more information about Terex products and services, as well as the company’s training and schools, visit