VIDEO from the AEM: CE Sector Board Supports Continued Telematics Development

Dec. 6, 2016
Gx News

A plan to proceed with incorporating additional products and their related data fields into the new telematics standard was supported by the CE Sector Board when it met on November 17.

Next steps for the telematics standard will focus on cranes and aerial work platforms (AWPs). AEM staff is currently in the process of scheduling joint OEM and product end-user meetings for early 2017 where discussions will take place concerning additional data that end-users would like to access and what manufacturers can offer.

The telematics standard was developed by AEM and the Association of Equipment Management Professionals(AEMP) and has now been published  by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is available in English to purchase/download at

Equipment end-users are advised to check with their manufacturer(s) to determine when/if they plan to comply with the standard and offer data through the standard’s API (Application Programming Interface) format.

They are also advised to also check with the supplier of their preferred business or fleet management software for its plan to support integration of the new API to enable retrieval of their machine data.

The CE Sector Board continued the larger discussion about data and will continue to have discussions on totally connected jobsites, increasing efficiencies for the construction industry, and AEM’s role moving forward.

In other action, the CE Sector Board:

  • Supported continued collaboration with the Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) on the “Cost of Business” survey and the AEM-AED Equipment Economic Forum in 2017.
  • Recommended development of materials and best practices information that members could use in their workforce development efforts.
For more information on the activities of the CE Sector Board, contact Al Cervero, AEM senior vice president, construction, mining & utility ([email protected],  tel: 414-298-4125).