I was planning on holding off talking about infrastructure for a couple of months and start just before Infrastructure Week rolls around again. But with ConExpo taking place and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) about to release their Infrastructure Report Card for the nation and the new President of the United States saying rebuilding the nation’s crumbling infrastructure is one of his administration’s priorities, I just couldn’t resist.
In 2013, American infrastructure was given a “D+” on the ASCE’s Infrastructure Report Card. While there have been a number of improvement projects, it’s nowhere near what’s needed to bring the grade up to even a “C-” in my view.
The question of what to do about infrastructure today, are the same questions that were being asked four years ago. But I would say the questions are being asked even louder than they had ever been in the past.
One mainstream media outlet had infrastructure as a lead story. For those of us in the industries that would do the work to repair and rebuild and replace, they’re playing our song. If anything, it’s getting louder in the echo chamber.
This report is from CBS Sunday Morning. It paints an accurate picture of what the country is facing.