25th Annual Conference – The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the International Erosion Control Association

July 25, 2018
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We expect another successful MAC IECA Annual Conference. It will be September 18 – 20, 2018 at the Radisson Hotel in Camp Hill, PA

Technical Program    –   We have an excellent program scheduled.    At least 8 PDHs will be available.

Important –  The MAC is giving particular attention to local Colleges and Universities.   Specifically –   We are focused on Students and Professors.   How can we best be of help to the students who may be about to begin a career in the erosion control industry?    The informal name of the first full day of the conference is “STUDENT DAY”.  On this day –  students and their professors can attend the conference for FREE.  The MAC IECA maintains that school involvement enriches the conference and the MAC IECA.   We want to help the students to be successful.    At this conference:   We will encourage students to network with those who may be more-experienced in this industry.  At the same time, we will encourage experienced professionals to make themselves available to the students.

As a way of explaining some of the professions within our industry, we will hold a panel discussion for the entire conference group:  “ I am a Professional in the Erosion Control Industry.  This is What I Do…”     The panel will be comprised of local professionals who work in the erosion control industry: a specifier, a manufacturer, a contractor, an inspector,  a distributor and others.   The panel will discuss a sample project which was done in an environmentally-sensitive area.   Each professional will explain their role in the process.

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Additionally, we are very pleased to announce our keynote speaker:  Dr. David Foster,  Professor of Biology and Environmental Science of nearby Messiah College.   David’s address will focus on a project involving several environmental topics. The project is very close to the Messiah campus.   Our field trip on September 20 will be to this location.

Please go to the MAC IECA website to register for the conference.   macieca.org

Questions?  Contact: Dave Snyder, CPESC – Conference Chair,  [email protected] ; Dan Fisk, CPESC, CESSWI –  Conference Registration Chair,  [email protected] ; Robert Connelly, CPESC –  Technical Program Chair,  [email protected] ;    Dylan Drudal,  MAC-IECA President,  [email protected]