Feb. 16, 2021
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It’s always been said that growth follows knowledge. 

AEM is committed to helping ensure our members remain competitive in today’s ever-evolving global marketplace. In providing industry insights, macroeconomic trends and industry data, we work to provide information that helps equipment manufacturers facilitate decision-making, understand competitors – and most importantly – grow in their ability to better serve their customers. 

It’s easy to look back at what’s happened with the benefit of hindsight and recognize the impact of market forces on the manufacturing industry and the overall economy. But, if lessons can’t be learned, and organizations aren’t able to apply the knowledge they gain to predict – at least with some level of accuracy – what’s to come, then there aren’t a  lot of advantages to be gained. 

Think back to 2019. The United States was experiencing the longest-lasting period of economic expansion in the nation’s historyBusiness confidence was highas was consumer confidence. Unemployment had reached historic lows. And while both tariffs and rising interest rates led to concerns about an impending slowdown, the short-term economic outlook was overwhelmingly positive. 

Then came the unforeseen – and stinging – impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It not only stifled economic activity but dramatically altered consumer behavior in a matter of a few short weeks. COVID-19 forced organizations of all types and sizes – including AEM members  to effectively pivot on a dime in the face of virtually unprecedented uncertainty. 

As the pandemic took hold, AEM stepped up to support its members by providing timely information and relevant resources to support their businesses. From a business intelligence standpoint, the Association has continued to offer a wide range of market data products, including webinars, white papers and public market intelligence highlights. 

Business Intelligence offerings fall under four categories: 

  • Industry Qualitative Insights  Products are based on proprietary qualitative member input and exclusive access to insights and data from partnering associations. AEM offers equipment industry trends reports and custom surveys via Market Research Opportunities. 
  • Industry Quantitative Insights  Products are obtained through partnerships and/or paid vendor relationships, and they serve as indicator-based inputs for company strategies. AEM offers the leading indicator program, forecast center and industry data reports. 
  • Market Research Opportunities – Tap into AEM’s extensive end-user database for proprietary market research. Opportunities include exclusive customized surveys and reports geared toward your target market with unique features and benefits.
  • AEM Member-Only Business Intelligence 2021 Manufacturing Outlook Webinars – As an AEM member, you have exclusive access to quarterly Business Intelligence webinars that deliver expert insights into the latest industry drivers and forecasts. It’s been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in the U.S., and it remains a major challenge for organizations across the country and around the world. While the equipment manufacturing industry, along with the customers it serves, has adjusted accordingly, there’s always more knowledge to be gained to help ensure successful growth in the long term. Acquiring that knowledge and, more importantly, applying it to achieve a distinct competitive advantage, is no small task. But that’s why AEM is here to help  

I encourage you to reach out and learn more 

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