Manufacturing Politics

Jan. 14, 2020
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Don’t worry. This isn’t going to be a Facebook-like political rant or intended to elicit one, but it does have a lot to do with the upcoming presidential election. 

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) just released the results of a new national poll that was conducted by Morning Consult. The poll shows that 76% of registered voters want to know how 2020 presidential candidates plan to support and grow manufacturing in the US. More than 90% of those surveyed say that manufacturing is critical to the economy and to the job market. Both Democratic and Republican voters agree that manufacturing is critical to keeping communities healthy. 

AEM Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Relations says, “The issues that are important to equipment manufacturers in the United States will be front and center during the Manufacturing Election, especially in swing states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Candidates for public office in 2020 need to understand and support the issues most critical to the continued growth and success of manufacturers if they hope to be successful.” 

Here is what I found interesting. Results from the poll show that voters in Michigan and Wisconsin are slightly more likely to think that Democrats will be the better party to support manufacturing. At the same time in Pennsylvania and Ohio, they were split between Republicans and Democrats. 

There was also a lot of concern for the economy in rural areas and preparing students for careers in manufacturing. 

The split was essentially 50-50 on whether or not President Trump has been good for manufacturing and on whether or not a hypothetical Democratic nominee would create more manufacturing jobs. 

Welcome again to the political divide of modern day America.  

It will be exhausting when the election season kicks into full gear and we’re bombarded with political platforms, social media memes, and endless television ads. But don’t throw in the towel. International trade issues, infrastructure legislation, education/job training, etc. are all on the line this election year. So stay informed. Don’t just look for what you want to hear.  

The AEM will help. It’s starting a series of initiatives to educate and engage citizens in manufacturing on the political process. It will highlight the important manufacturing issues as well as connect voters with elected officials and candidates. 

I urge you to visit the AEM website for more information.