Now is the time to consider how you can take advantage of a grant funding opportunity to become a cleaner diesel operation.
EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign is now soliciting proposals for the 2014 National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program funded through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program. Funding requests between $150,000 and $350,000 will be accepted for Oregon projects. The Request for Proposals is posted on the NCDC website( Applications must be submitted by Tuesday June, 17, 2014.
EPA will host two webinars for applicants on Tuesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 15. Both will be from 2-4pm EDT. Participants do not need to pre-register for the webinars. The links to the webinars and call-in information are available on the NCDC website.
For projects with a material benefit to Oregonians, DEQ will assist in developing proposals to improve the competitiveness of any project. Assistance may include proposal drafting, project design, partner recruitment, application assistance and technical analysis in support of the proposal. For more information contact Kevin Downing, 503-229-6549.