It’s Time for You to Step Forward: AEM Offers Special Incentive to Support Grassroots Push for Highway Bill Passage

May 27, 2014

Our industry and country are mourning the loss of a true visionary of a strong national transportation system. The unexpected death of former Rep. Jim Oberstar on May 3 shocked and saddened us, particularly because many of us had just visited with him when he attended CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2014 in Las Vegas in March.

The Congressman’s leadership, passion and courage on infrastructure issues set an example for us all. Now it’s our turn ““ and our time ““ to get personally involved in pushing for legislation which the Congressman championed ““ passage of a long-term, fully-funded instrastructure transportation bill.

AEM Offers Travel Incentive to Defray Fly-In Costs

At AEM, we believe the time to act is now. MAP-21, the current federal funding legislation for highways, expires September 30. In addition, the Highway Trust Fund is almost out of money and may go broke before the end of the summer construction season.

That’s why AEM is offering a $500 travel incentive to eligible industry professionals who participate in one of three upcoming Washington, D.C., industry fly-ins to push for long-term federal funding of highways, roads and bridges. (If you don’t want the reimbursement, AEM will make a $500 contribution to benefit wounded warriors.)

The upcoming fly-ins are:

    June 10-11