AED Legislative Action Week: Nothing Lame About the Lame Duck

Nov. 18, 2014

WASHINGTON — On Nov. 17, Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) kicked off its 2014 Legislative Action Week–a five-day fusillade of congressional engagement from the construction equipment industry to make lawmakers pass important economic legislation in the waning days of the 113th Congress.

American businesses shouldn’t have to wait another year for a long-term, common-sense solution to resolve the uncertainty surrounding the federal highway program, approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, reinstatement of bonus depreciation and higher Sec. 179 expensing levels and a more aggressive legislative response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory overreach. The association is leading a targeted grassroots campaign to get something done in what has been a largely “do nothing” Congress.

Association members will follow a week-long menu of topics to tell their representatives and senators what needs to be done before the year is up:
Tuesday: OK KXL
Wednesday: Save the Federal Highway Program
Thursday: Capitalize on Capital Investment Incentives
Friday: Clean Up the EPA’s Regulatory Agenda

“This is the perfect time for Washington to act,” said Christian A. Klein, AED’s vice president of government affairs. “Most lawmakers spent the last month on the campaign trail, in their districts, face-to-face with their constituents. Now they’re back on Capitol Hill with a perfectly clear image of what this country needs and recognize that we cannot wait another minute–let alone another Congress.”

For more information on AED’s Legislative Action Week, please visit The association’s government affairs team is available to discuss the campaign. Contact the Washington office at 703-739-9513.