BMP Construction Methods and Techniques

Sept. 2, 2015

Even the best stormwater BMP design, ultimately is only as good as its construction. And the key to successful construction? A balanced mix of field engineering, natural science know-how, and great construction technique.

Join Ted Hartsig for the fourth session of our Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series exploring the basics of successful stormwater BMP construction, including: structural requirements and materials; construction methods; scheduling and sequencing; and soil function and planting requirements.

This webinar will be available live on Wednesday, Oct. 7th11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT, and available on-demand after the live event. Register for the event by clicking the button below.

In this webinar, Hartsig will cover how to build your BMPs right the first time…and fix it if you didn’t. We’ll start our discussion with a look at the pre-construction considerations (e.g., design set, materials, constraints, etc.) and construction preparations. Within this discussion, we’ll explore stormwater BMP structural requirements, available materials, and construction methods. Additionally, we’ll take a look at pre-construction activities including: BMP construction sequencing and scheduling; material procurement, deliver, and staging; and site preparation. Next, Hartsig will outline the key stormwater BMP components, considerations, and techniques for: soil preparation (e.g., function in the BMP, planting requirements, etc.); water inflow and outflow management; and establishing vegetation. And finally, we’ll cover some additional tips, tricks, and lessons learned from the stormwater BMP construction field, as well as common BMP construction pitfalls and what to do if (or when) these mistakes are made. This webinar is designed to leave the attendee with a checklist to ensure successful post-construction stormwater BMP performance.

Learning Objectives 
Attendees can expect the discussion and education of the following learning objectives:

  • Learn about construction methods and sequencing for stormwater BMPs and why this matters.
  • Learn the quality construction materials and how they contribute to achieving project goals quickly and effectively.
  • Understand how soil and vegetation work together to manage stormwater runoff and the planting requirements to ensure vegetation establishment.
  • Learn the steps to establish BMPs correctly the first time, and what to do when (if) mistakes are made.

Theodore A. Hartsig, CPSS
Senior Soil Scientist / Natural Resources Restoration
Olsson Associates

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 7th @ 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT,  1-1.5 hr.*

Credits: 1 PDH / 0.1 CEU

Cost: $79.00

Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series
This BMP Construction Methods and Techniques – Getting the Little Things Rightwebinar is the fourth session in our 5-session Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Master Class Series. Currently, we are offering the full Master Class Series at a discounted rate. If you are interested in purchasing the full Master Class Series, you can find information and the registration link here.