List for me the things you did throughout the Memorial Day weekend. I went to a festival on the beach, enjoyed a barbeque with friends, and played a little golf. All 18 holes, I played very little of what could be considered “golf.” Whatever it is that’s on your list, you probably needed some infrastructure to do it. For example, AAA estimated that approximately 34 million people would be driving to some sort of destination over the long holiday weekend. That number is several hundred thousand more than last year. On top of that, gas is cheap.
The smoothest length of asphalt this past weekend may have been the oval at Indianapolis Speedway.
We have the tools. We have the technology. We have people and companies lining up to make money off of it. We can get the manpower. We know we can’t wait any longer. We just have to figure out the funding.
Until we do, we have to keep thinking about infrastructure.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Or at least try to help me stop thinking about it so much.